Monday, 21 September 2015

Seminars …What is?


Personal Development Seminars provide personal growth opportunities that go far beyond self-help books.

Seminar participants get first-hand experience with “Effective Communication”, “Goal setting”, “Life Coaching”, “Leadership Development” &Improved Confidence”.

In a Seminar or Workshop YOU can

Learn how to improve your skills - How to think “Out of the Box” -Understand how to take - Responsibility and Action towards a specific goal - Have practical advice that you can use right away - Meet a lot of great, like-minded people - Learn about your own Strengths andOpportunities for improvement in any area of your life - Get great ideas and insights - Explore consciousness, the impact of beliefs, and “how to create what you really WANT in Life” - Understand yourself and your relationship to the world with new clarity and ownership.
“A Seminar it is a Life-Changing event full of ah-ha moments that open up new pathways of understanding, opportunities and results”.

images (1)

Friday, 11 September 2015

Tips to a Better Living!



1. Make your intuition your ally.
How does your intuition speak to you? Do you receive information in words, feelings, a body sensation? Do you just know? Ask your intuition questions and pay attention to the answers and act on the information you receive.

2. What are you enthusiastic about?
The root of the word enthusiasm is entheos. It literally means "God Within." Just think, when you feel enthusiastic about your dreams it means that God is speaking through you and saying "yes" to your goals! The feeling of enthusiasm is one of the ways your intuition speaks to you. What makes you excited, happy, delighted? What do you look forward to each day? Do more of it!

3. Be clear about your goals.
We are often quite clear about what we don't want. Spend time thinking about what you do want. What does your ideal life look like? Draw pictures or cut out scenes from magazines that illustrate the life you want to create. Write in your journal, envision. Spend time each day imagining your ideal life. Envision the details of that life. Imagine you are living it now. What are you wearing? What are you feeling? Who are the people around you? The power is within your mind and heart to bring forth the new life you want.

4. Spend time in prayer and meditation.
Answers often come to life's questions through self-reflection. Prayer and meditation are two ways we have of slowing down enough to listen to the still, quiet voice of our Higher Self. Remember that the answers don't always pop into your mind fully formed as you meditate or pray. You may find them slowly evolving into your consciousness over several days or weeks as you ask for insight.

5. Create positive self talk.
Pay attention to what you tell yourself about yourself and your life. If the general tone is hopeful and positive you feel better and are more optimistic. William James said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." It's easier to create a life you love when you give yourself affirmative message.

6. Practice an attitude of gratitude.
Research has shown that the happiest people are the ones who have gratitude for all that they have despite their circumstances. You don't have to postpone happiness until you have achieved all your goals. Joy is an inside job. In the Talmud it says, "In the world to come each of us will be called to account for all the good things God put on this earth which we refused to enjoy." Learn to appreciate the unfolding process of your life, not just the realization of your dreams.

7. Take action.
People often get stuck because they can't figure out how to get from Point A to Point Z. What is one thing you could do that would be a next step? Take a class, talk to a friend, read a book on a topic of interest, learn a new skill. Take action on what feels exciting to you.

8. Look for coincidences and synchronicities.
It has been said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. We often have serendipity occurring in our lives as a way to show us we are on the right path. As you trust your intuitive knowing you'll find these synchronicities occurring more often.

9. Know that there will be ebbs and flows.
We often reach success through a series of ups and downs. When you are in a "down" place and feeling stuck, know that it won't last forever. Find some ways to enjoy your life despite the lull and continue to focus on what you want.

10. Trust in divine order.
Maybe you're beginning to feel as Mother Theresa once did when she said, "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." The Universe has a perfect plan for your growth and unfolding as a human being. As you learn to be guided by your intuition you're beginning to act on this wisdom from the Universe.

Start fast – finish strong

There's nothing like quite like a good old fashioned
challenge to see what we are made of, to push the
boundaries and test the limits as it's only when we
overcome these types of trials and challenges that
we reap the sweetest rewards in life.



Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Have Fun, Freedom & Fulfilment

Do you often find yourself attracting more of the things you don’t want instead of the things you do want?
If you’re tired of not having the lifestyle you desire, filled with prosperity, happiness and fulfillment, follow these 5 simple steps to turn things around… starting today!

Step 1. Get clear on what you really want.
Did you know that one of the main reasons people don’t have what they want in life is because they’re not clear on what they truly want?
This sounds very simple, but it’s extremely important that you’re crystal clear on what your main goal in life really is. Many people say they want to have more money or a new car, but deep down what they’re seeking is more freedom, time or security. So what do you really want?

Step 2. Act from a prosperous mindset.logo
How do you act and feel when you have more money than you can spend? Well, this is exactly how you should act and feel when you’re broke too.
Even though this may sound challenging, remember that you’ll only attract what you keep focusing on. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s an imaginary event.
Start by visualizing yourself as a prosperous person and soon you’ll start feeling and acting like one, and therefore you’ll attract more prosperity directly into your life!
Realms of Inner Thoughts

Step 3. Remove your negative beliefs.
Do you ever feel guilty about having more money than others?
Do you believe you have to work very hard to be successful?
If your answer is yes, then you may have negative beliefs around money and prosperity and it’s important that you address them right away. Acknowledging them is the first step to overcoming them, so you’re on the right path. :)

Step 4. Be open to receiving.
Every night before going to bed, make a list of all the things you’re grateful for. Being appreciative of everything that you have will open you up to receive even more abundance from the universe.

Step 5. Take action.
Manifesting is a skill that you will master by putting all of these steps into action, consistently.
For me, learning how to manifest and attract the things I want in life has transformed my reality, and if you let it, it can transform yours too.


So , if you want to make the rest of your Life the Best of your Life, follow these simple steps, plus one more.

YOU can contact me in my e-mail : and I can show you a perfect way to achieve more fun , freedom and fulfillment in your life NOW!


Tuesday, 26 May 2015

10 Tips to Improving Self-Esteem

10 Tips to Improving Self-Esteem


Low self-esteem can lead to various problems in your career, relationships and personal life.

Here are 10 helpful tips on how one can boost his self-esteem.

1. Accept yourself

People should remember that everyone is unique and beauty is to be found in every human being. Yes, other people can be better in doing certain things but this fact shouldn't hinder people from being the best that they can be.

2. Self-appreciation

Accepting yourself is different from appreciating yourself. Self-acceptance is a prerequisite to self-appreciation but the latter must always be present. You might accept yourself under a pessimistic light and this is not very healthy. "I accept that I cannot do the things that I really want to do because I am weak" is a sample statement which depicts an unhealthy self-acceptance.

3. Refrain from comparing

Low self-esteem can be brought by the environment. Again, this can be traced to the lack of self-acceptance. Everybody is different and you have qualities that no other person has. A general sense of self-worth should be built without comparing yourself to other people.


4. Don't put yourself down

Nobody's perfect. Making a mistake is definitely normal and people should start accepting this fact. An inner voice which reverberates inside their heads tells them that there is no hope. This should not be the case and having control over the inner voices can be the solution for this problem. Cut yourself some slack, you've done your best and that's what's important.

5. Befriend positive people

Having friends who are positive towards dealing with life's challenges can influence someone into seeing life in the same light and eventually build self-esteem.

6. Remind yourself of the positive things about you

Again, there is beauty in everyone. Remember all the things that you like about yourself and the good things which you have done and make a list of the most striking ones. This will help in self-appreciation and definitely give you something to smile about.

7. Use tools

Buying books, CDs and other materials about building self-esteem wouldn't hurt, would it? These materials can definitely provide some informative ways on how to deal with low self-esteem. However, buying these materials would be useless if the lessons which they give aren't applied in real life.


8. Engage in fun activities

Having fun once in a while releases stress, takes the negative ideas out of your head and leaves space for positive thoughts to fill in. Having fun makes you feel happy about yourself.

9. Hangout with friends

Having fun can be done privately but nothing beats fun with friends. Friends are usually a part of the primary support group of a person and can provide much needed conversations for a down-and-out person.


10. Seek Help

When all else fail, seek professional help from a psychologist or a Personal Life Coach.

There's nothing wrong with taking care of yourself since low self-esteem can lead to more serious problems.

Having low self-esteem can be solved with the right tools and the right attitude. Loving yourself is the ultimate way which leads to a healthy and a better 'you'.



Bring It On!

What is the right way to look at the problems in your life? Should you get worried about them? Should you complain and condemn them in the hope that they'll go away? If you want to be agitated and stressed for the rest of your life, then maybe you could.

Or should you accept problems as a part of the 'tide of life' and go wearily about your day feeling burdened and miserable? If you want to be depressed all the time, then perhaps you should.

If neither of those ways of thinking appeals to you, here is another idea for you: whenever you are faced by a problem large or small, then look at it as personal challenge. Decide to adopt the 'Bring It On' attitude.


The 'Bring It On' attitude says

- Life isn't for wimps!

- Life is about earning your stripes

- Every challenge or problem is a chance to grow

- What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger

Each time life serves up a tough situation, you have to face it squarely and say to yourself, "Bring It On!" This may sound like a peculiar way to face your problems, but it is guaranteed to boost your chances of success. Saying these words over and over will trigger the positive, proactive, constructive thinking that you require to solve your problems and challenges. It stirs up the courage and power that is dormant inside of you.

Only you can decide what reaction you have to the events of your life. You choose if you see something as an opportunity to show your true colours, or a sign that you should just give up.

Each time you feel overwhelmed it's easy to feel like giving up, and retreating.

But the 'Bring It On1 attitude makes you feel better about your situation. Try it for yourself next time you are starting feel sorry for yourself. Straighten your shoulders, smile to yourself and say...

"Bring it On!"

change your mind

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Top 10 predictions for the sales industry in 2015:

1. Expert Status & Positioning Is Vital

There is going to be a trend where your suppliers will want  to hunt out and deal with experts to help them. So even if you are selling green socks, what are you doing in terms of building up your reputation within the green sock industry? Are you 1253705778phpAfuqJ9sdacontributing to blogs and forums? Have you written some articles in the green sock trade journal? Have you spoken on tv about issues facing green socks?

You can use all of this to help position yourself as the “go to” person.

Imagine that a company was meeting with two green sock sellers? You turn up with a bio to die for, you are known as THE expert in green socks. And then Billy Average turns up.

Suppliers want to deal with experts and “industry celebrities” in 2015 so position yourself as one.


2. The Death Of Cold Calling

Anyone who had to make cold calls in 2014 knows that it was a very tough year.

Will 2015 really be the death of cold calling? Well, probably not but it will be the death of cold calling as we know it. imagesCAPGU1Z3

Out goes the enthusiastic, smile and dial approach and in comes a more measured, down to earth and above all, straight talking approach.

Out goes the “Oh, he’ll know what I’m calling about” trick and in will come “this is a sales call Jo, can you spare 5 minutes so I can tell you how to reduce your paper bill by using our new software?”

Your prospects know a cold call when they hear one so just act naturaland be honest. It will surprise them and will help to build up the rapport with them because you are being different.

Direct and down to earth will work the best in 2015 - with no tricks!


3. There Will Be More Prospecting On The Web imagesCAIV9TBA

2015 is the year to get into blogging, Facebook, LinkedIn, Digg, Twitter and the use of email to do your prospecting.

The connections and business that you can create on the web is mind blowing if you know what to do.

So improve your knowledge in these areas because over the years there will be a big shift towards more web marketing and sales.


4. You Need To Respect The Fence Sitter

The fence sitters hold the key to open the door and to let us out of this recession.

What’s a fence sitter?

Well, in 2014 there were 3 types of prospects. Those that did nothing and would not spend because of the recession, those that did want to spend to get them out of the recession. And then those in the middle who were waiting for someone in authority to say “Hey, we’re out of recession you can spend again”

These are the ones that put projects on hold and play a waiting game. But there are billions just waiting to be released. They have the keys to the gold.

So how are you marketing to these people? How are you educating them in the meantime? Will they choose you when they finally say “Full steam ahead”

You need to have a specific ongoing sales and marketing plan for the fence sitters.


5. Different Is Going To Be Better Than Best

In order to capture the attention of your marketplace you need to be different.

How can you do this?

Can you remodel your service in a different way?

Can you offer something truly unique?

Going back to being an expert and positioning yourself - this is an example of being different. Just because you’ve been on the radio about green socks does not mean that your products are any better than anyone else but because there are no other green sock gurus it will position them as so.

Just by being different can unlock the pathway to riches.


6. AIDA No Longer Works In 2015


You’ve heard of AIDA right?


Well, your prospects and clients have got so much on their plates that grabbing their attention nowadays is a lot harder than it once was!

You need to do more than just ask a question to grab their attention because there are another 64,000 things that are competing for their attention each and every day.

So in order to do this you actually need to reverse this statement to begin with so it becomes:


You need to take ACTION first. Do something different, this could be sending them something, a unique act, a video, sending them a report, saying this is a sales call when making a call, whatever it is. This creates the desire to find out more and then they’re interested. Only then do you have someones ATTENTION.

And then you can start with the AIDA model again.



7. New “Leaner” Sales Models Are Launched

If you haven’t taken a look at how you current sell in terms of your sales process, your interactions, the measurements etc and have modified your approach for the current climate then you are in big trouble for 2015.

2015 will be the year where a lot of companies will be launching a new, leaner and fitter sales process and approach to cope with the demands of the economy.

Are you?


8. Buyers Will Eat Your Lunch For You

Your buyers know that 2014 was a tough year for you.

They most likely know that 2015 will be the same. They are more educated than ever before and they’ll want to murder your margins.

Make sure that you spend a lot of time in honing and perfecting your art to deal with these new and upgraded buying machines.


9. Activity Based Targets Become More Important imagesCASTA9WW

Too many sales people are focused on the actual amount that they need to make that they forget or ignore what will help them to achieve it. And that’s all about ACTIVITY.

In 2015, sales commissions will be linked to a combination of both performance AND activity and not just the target alone which has been the bread and butter of sales commissions and bonuses in the past.


10. If It Moves Then You Need To Measure It!

Part of the problem why so many companies are struggling is because they do not understand what’s going on in their sales process.

More than ever before you need to invest in measuring what you do and how you do it.

If it moves, measure it.

Those are my predictions for 2015.

There is business out there, you’ve just got to make sure that it comes your way

Friday, 17 April 2015

So, what exactly is focus?

Focus on Results 

There's only 24 hours in a day. That's a given. It's how you focus them that counts! ws_Focus_Harmonie_1024x768 Between the ringing of the phone, urgent emails, tighter deadlines and endless opportunities and greater expectations, focusing on what's most important - the highest and best use of your time has become more of a challenge than ever before.

So, what exactly is focus?

Focus is...

  • ...the glue that holds every one of your goals in place... it's an insurance policy on your journey to success.
  • ...a goal, a picture in your mind's eye of something you want.

Your focus is usually spelled in CAPITAL LETTERS!

  • ...the equivalent of Moby Dick in a goldfish bowl... just too powerful to ignore.

A successful focus is based on the concept of singularity. Your goal must create in your mind both the perception and reality of importance as the most important aspect of focus is single-mindedness.  Because everything you do moves you closer to or further from your goal, focus cannot be considered in isolation. If everything you think, say, and do moves you toward your goal, then everything requires focus!

Focus creates a powerful force: goal power, and the moment you focus on a goal, your goal becomes a magnet, pulling you and your resources WHEN-YOU-font-b-FOCUS-b-font-ON-WHAT-YOU-WANT-Wall-font-b-quotes-btoward it. The more focused your energies, the more power you generate. 

There is a seismic shift in performance that takes place when you move from decisiveness to focus. The shift is caused, enhanced, and accelerated by the intensity of your focus. Focus is like plugging into a power source all its own.

If there are two goal setting elements that should be joined at the hip, no better pair exists than decision and focus. They feed off each other.

Decision makes focus possible, and focus makes decision easier.

Success offers living proof that decision and focus make for a lovely couple! The moment you energize a goal with focus it will be as if the train you're riding instantly switches to a new set of tracks going in exactly the right direction at a high rate of speed.  We're all vulnerable--it is easy to lose focus. Accept the hard fact that you must repeatedly recover your focus. A brief loss of focus is a minor derailment, but, if not regained rapidly, loss of focus becomes a wholesale wreck. αρχείο λήψης (2)

Focus, readjust, and realign -that's the recipe behind all great achievement.

Every opportunity competes for time and focus. Resist temptation. You can't do everything, but you can do one thing and stay with it until completion.  Once you begin to focus, it's like telling the world, "Watch out... here I come!" Focus signals the coming out of your goal. Guard your focus jealously. Determine not to be distracted.

 Without focus, you lose your way... enthusiasm disappears... goals become faded aspirations.

Goose your focus everyday through constant care, feeding, and attention. You 4815c7e878a95,Flying-Islandwill receive no sympathy in the marketplace for loss of focus and the feeding frenzy will begin the moment you allow your focus to wane. You place a bounty on your head every time you lose focus. Focus requires focus. Focus is a priority, a necessity, and an absolute; it practically guarantees a front-row seat to prosperity.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015


  • The power of truth is such that you need never be concerned about proving
  • You need only be concerned with being it and living it.
  • Truth is always revealed, at the right moment, at the right place.
  • Τhe simplest and most powerful expression of truth is humility.
  • Real humility includes so much power of truth and inner silence that you don’t need to say anything at all in words.
  • The power of humility allows you to see the benefit in everything, even in the insults of others.  


  • Happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey.
  • Happiness is not tomorrow, it is now.
  • Happiness is not a dependency, it is a decision.
  • Happiness is what you are, not what you have

Monday, 23 March 2015

The Top 10 Steps to a Successful Life


1. Make your intuition your ally.
How does your intuition speak to you? Do you receive information in words, feelings, a body sensation? Do you just know? Ask your intuition questions and pay attention to the answers and act on the information you receive.

2. What are you enthusiastic about?
The root of the word enthusiasm is entheos. It literally means "God Within." Just think, when you feel enthusiastic about your dreams it means that God is speaking through you and saying "yes" to your goals! The feeling of enthusiasm is one of the ways your intuition speaks to you. What makes you excited, happy, delighted? What do you look forward to each day? Do more of it!

3. Be clear about your goals.
We are often quite clear about what we don't want. Spend time thinking about what you do want. What does your ideal life look like? Draw pictures or cut out scenes from magazines that illustrate the life you want to create. Write in your journal, envision. Spend time each day imagining your ideal life. Envision the details of that life. Imagine you are living it now. What are you wearing? What are you feeling? Who are the people around you? The power is within your mind and heart to bring forth the new life you want.

4. Spend time in prayer and meditation.
Answers often come to life's questions through self-reflection. Prayer and meditation are two ways we have of slowing down enough to listen to the still, quiet voice of our Higher Self. Remember that the answers don't always pop into your mind fully formed as you meditate or pray. You may find them slowly evolving into your consciousness over several days or weeks as you ask for insight.


5. Create positive self talk.
Pay attention to what you tell yourself about yourself and your life. If the general tone is hopeful and positive you feel better and are more optimistic. William James said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives." It's easier to create a life you love when you give yourself affirmative message.


6. Practice an attitude of gratitude.
Research has shown that the happiest people are the ones who have gratitude for all that they have despite their circumstances. You don't have to postpone happiness until you have achieved all your goals. Joy is an inside job. In the Talmud it says, "In the world to come each of us will be called to account for all the good things God put on this earth which we refused to enjoy." Learn to appreciate the unfolding process of your life, not just the realization of your dreams.

7. Take action.
People often get stuck because they can't figure out how to get from Point A to Point Z. What is one thing you could do that would be a next step? Take a class, talk to a friend, read a book on a topic of interest, learn a new skill. Take action on what feels exciting to you.

8. Look for coincidences and synchronicities.
It has been said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous. We often have serendipity occurring in our lives as a way to show us we are on the right path. As you trust your intuitive knowing you'll find these synchronicities occurring more often.

9. Know that there will be ebbs and flows.
We often reach success through a series of ups and downs. When you are in a "down" place and feeling stuck, know that it won't last forever. Find some ways to enjoy your life despite the lull and continue to focus on what you want.

10. Trust in divine order.
Maybe you're beginning to feel as Mother Theresa once did when she said, "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much." The Universe has a perfect plan for your growth and unfolding as a human being. As you learn to be guided by your intuition you're beginning to act on this wisdom from the Universe.


Start fast – finish strong

There's nothing like quite like a good old fashioned
challenge to see what we are made of, to push the
boundaries and test the limits as it's only when we
overcome these types of trials and challenges that
we reap the sweetest rewards in life.

Monday, 16 March 2015

10 Tips to Improving Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem can lead to various problems in your career, relationships and personal life.

Here are 10 helpful tips on how one can boost his self-esteem.

1. Accept yourselfselfesteem1

People should remember that everyone is unique and beauty is to be found in every human being. Yes, other people can be better in doing certain things but this fact shouldn't hinder people from being the best that they can be.

2. Self-appreciation

Accepting yourself is different from appreciating yourself. Self-acceptance is a prerequisite to self-appreciation but the latter must always be present. You might accept yourself under a pessimistic light and this is not very healthy. "I accept that I cannot do the things that I really want to do because I am weak" is a sample statement which depicts an unhealthy self-acceptance.

3. Refrain from comparing

Low self-esteem can be brought by the environment. Again, this can be traced to the lack of self-acceptance. Everybody is different and you have qualities that no other person has. A general sense of self-worth should be built without comparing yourself to other people.


4. Don't put yourself down

Nobody's perfect. Making a mistake is definitely normal and people should start accepting this fact. An inner voice which reverberates inside their heads tells them that there is no hope. This should not be the case and having control over the inner voices can be the solution for this problem. Cut yourself some slack, you've done your best and that's what's important.

5. Befriend positive people

Having friends who are positive towards dealing with life's challenges can influence someone into seeing life in the same light and eventually build self-esteem.

6. Remind yourself of the positive things about you

Again, there is beauty in everyone. Remember all the things that you like about yourself and the good things which you have done and make a list of the most striking ones. This will help in self-appreciation and definitely give you something to smile about.

7. Use tools

Buying books, CDs and other materials about building self-esteem wouldn't hurt, would it? These materials can definitely provide some informative ways on how to deal with low self-esteem. However, buying these materials would be useless if the lessons which they give aren't applied in real life.


8. Engage in fun activities

Having fun once in a while releases stress, takes the negative ideas out of your head and leaves space for positive thoughts to fill in. Having fun makes you feel happy about yourself.

9. Hangout with friends

Having fun can be done privately but nothing beats fun with friends. Friends are usually a part of the primary support group of a person and can provide much needed conversations for a down-and-out person.


10. Seek Help

When all else fail, seek professional help from a psychologist or a Personal Life Coach.

There's nothing wrong with taking care of yourself since low self-esteem can lead to more serious problems.

Having low self-esteem can be solved with the right tools and the right attitude. Loving yourself is the ultimate way which leads to a healthy and a better 'you'.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

9 Ways to Change Your Life!

9. Start Coaching sessions


What Is Coaching?

Congratulations for embarking on this journey! I look forward to working together and supporting you in
achieving whatever it is you really want. This blog  is designed to help you understand the nature of
coaching and how to get the most from our partnership.

What Is Coaching?

Coaching is quickly becoming one of the leading tools that successful people use to live extraordinary lives.
Through weekly coaching sessions, my clients identify what is most important to them and align their thoughts,
words, and actions, accordingly.

As your coach, I work with you to identify what you want personally and professionally, and support you in achieving a life that you really want and love. Having a life you love starts with gaining clarity on your values, enabling more meaningful choices and consistent action. Your commitment
to your life through coaching offers a means for more balance, joy, intimacy, energy, financial abundance, focus,
and action in every area of your life.

As Your Coach I Will:

Encourage you to set goals that you truly want
Ask you to do more than you may have done on your own
Help you focus better in order to produce results more quickly
Provide you with the tools, support, and structure to accomplish more

How Is Coaching Different From Therapy Or Consulting?

Coaching is not therapy, which goes into depth about various issues, usually dealing with the past, nor is it
consulting which generally results in giving the client answers. Coaching is more action-oriented and focuses
primarily on the present and future. As your coach I enable you to determine your own “answers” through the
work done in our coaching partnership.


Who Works With A Coach?

Entrepreneurs, business owners, professionals, and people in transition are some of the people who typically
work with a coach. Regardless of their professional endeavor or place in life, all of my clients have one thing in
common: they are all successful, resourceful, and intelligent individuals who want to get even more out of their

What professional athlete hasn’t used a coach to win? Tiger Woods is already one of the best, and yet he
understands the value that comes from having someone work directly with him, someone to point out things he
can’t see, someone to keep encouraging and challenging him to achieve his greatest potential. That’s who I am
for you. Coaching is like having a personal trainer for your life!

Benefits Of Working With A Coach


Coaching is proven to work when two factors are present:

The client is willing to learn, grow, and take action
There is a gap between where he/she is now and where he/she wants to be

That’s all that is necessary for a successful coaching relationship where you can develop the right strategy,
implement a plan of action, and achieve your goals. Anything is possible within our coaching relationship.

With a coach you can: Take More, Better, and Smarter Actions


for a private session with coach Katerina please contact on

skype : katerina.efstratiadou1

e-mail :

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

9 Ways to Change Your Life!

8. What it’s Really all About


Here's a big question for you: what is life all about?

You could probably debate this one for hours, but for the sake of this small blog I am going to suggest a simple, powerful answer:

Life is. about feeling good!

Does that seem too shallow for you? If so, think about why you do the things you do.

Why do you have a family? Why do you go to work or build your own business? Why do you exercise or eat healthily?

Eventually, when it comes right down to it, we do what we do so that we can feel good.

Professional salespeople have a saying: 'people make emotional decisions, but give rational reasons'. What this means is that we always buy because we want to feel good, but we say it's because of the quality, price, value, etc.

It's exactly the same in your everyday life: you will make your choices based upon what will make you feel the best, even though you may explain it for rational reasons.

Take your time going through your life and test this out for yourself - can you think of anything you do that doesn't eventually lead to you feeling good? Even going to work, and paying your taxes makes you feel good, because it enables you to live in a nice country with a high quality of life.

So now that you know this - what does it mean for you? It means that if something isn't leading to you feeling good, then perhaps you had better stop doing it.

I am talking here about things like stress, fatigue, worry, procrastination, anger, gossip, etc. All these things may give us a small feeling of release in the short term, but eventually they lead to us feeling miserable. So the answer is to stop doing them.

Stop robbing yourself of the chance to feel good!

Of course, life is also about contribution, learning, growth, love, courtesy, gratitude, spirituality and a great deal more. But all of these things eventually lead us right back to feeling good. When you look over your life, and the things you do, this simple idea is very powerful for helping you to know what you should be doing.

So, do you feel good?

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pebbles in water

Monday, 5 January 2015

9 Ways to Change Your Life!


6. Relationships (play the game)

It's a fact that 85% of your happiness in life is determined by your ability to get along well with other people.

There's a saying that most of your problems in life will come on two legs and talk back. Whether we like them or not, people make the world go round. And your ability to relate, communicate and negotiate will empower you as you make your way along in the world.

Relationships are complex, frustrating and often critical to our success. Perhaps the best way to get the most out of all the relationships you have is to view them as a game. By doing this you can begin to become more skilled as a player, instead of simply bumbling along not knowing how to relate to people.

There are several powerful 'games' you can play and each of them will greatly improve your ability to get along with people.

Game # 1:  The Most important Person.

Each person views the world through their own eyes. To them, the world is about them and their experiences. The average person (including you and I) spends approximately 95% of their time thinking about themselves.

For this reason, playing this game is a powerful attention grabber. Instead of being like everyone else and simply thinking of yourself as most important; think of other people as most important. Treat them with respect, admiration and courtesy. Take time listen to their ideas, their feelings, even their advice.

By doing this you will come into alignment with their deep-held belief that they are most important. You will also make a startling impression on the other person. Soon enough, the person will become so impressed with you that they will begin liking you. And once a person likes you, everything becomes easier for both parties.

Game #2: Shut up!

In this game you practice the art of saying as little as possible while holding a conversation with another person. The more you can be quiet, the more the other person will be able to talk. See how much you can not say. Use facial expressions, gestures, and short succinct answers to keep  yourself out of the conversation as often as possible. When the person finishes what they are saying, ask them another question to get them talking again.

Doing this helps you build the discipline of listening. Most people are incredibly poor listeners. Most of us -if truth be told- are just waiting for our chance to talk. By playing this game, you'll soon find more and more people are keen to talk to you. They will feel like you actually care about what they have to say and will like you for it.

Game # 3:  Random Acts of Kindness

This game is a powerful way to build your self-esteem and your reputation with other people. The idea is that you give people small doses of kindness -a smile, a compliment, assistance, or a gift - when they least expect it. By doing this you instantly create a bond with the other person, and they will also be more inclined to help you.

Play this game whenever you see the opportunity. The more you do it, the more you will find your network, and your success growing.      

Game # 4: .Stop Competing

Often in life we feel like we are competing for everything. We race the traffic to work, try to beat co-workers for promotions, and push our company ahead of our competitors. Sometimes this competitive spirit can work its way into our conversations and relations with other people, often without us even realising.

Do you often feel the need to tell somebody when they are wrong?

Do you always have to top another person stories with you amazing anecdotes?

From now on, whenever you feel yourself 'competing' in your conversations, decide to stop it. Instead, let the other person express their opinions and stories and graciously listen. By doing this you reduce the urge the other person has to beat you at the conversation game. And you might actually make a friend...

Game # 5:  Don’t take it Personally

How often do you feel angry or offended by the words, actions and thoughtlessness of others? Well here's a simple solution for all the bad feelings: stop taking things personally.

Perhaps you haven't noticed, but people do things for their own reasons, not yours. Anytime somebody does something that seems to be an attack against you, it's very likely they don't mean it to be. In fact it's likely you're not even a consideration in their mind. Most people are so consumed in their lives and their problems that they don't realise that they are causing you grief or inconvenience.

For this reason it makes sense not to get all worked up about things people do or say to you. The only person who suffers from it is you. Resolve from now on to play the game of not taking it personally - no matter what the situation or the circumstance.
